Speak Life Challenge Day 16: No Fear Confession
when i was younger my father would always tell me that the only way to conquer my fears was to name them and act against them. one of my first memory verses as a kid was 2 Timothy 1:7 "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." this was my motto and favorite scripture whenever i embarked on something new!
What are you afraid of? Who are you afraid of and their opinions? Whats keeping you from moving forward? What's stopping you from doing what God put in your heart? Is it fear of rejection? Fear of success?
I challenge you today to be honest with yourself and name your fear! then SPEAK LIFE against it!
Here's my SPEAK LIFE CONFESSION against fear. use it and see how bold you become.
Maybe not overnight but I promise there will be fruit!
The Lord has not given me a spirit of fear but of power, of love and of a sound mind. Therefore, I do not fear man or their opinions. I am completely divorced from the opinions of other people. Since I have what I ask in Jesus name I have asked and received no insecurities as it relates to my call, my assignment and the will of God for my life. I am never stressed out. I have joy and peace at all times. People recognize the peace of God on my life and I am able to live peaceably with all men. I experience a sweet sleep every night because God has promised His beloved sweet sleep. I am healthy and whole in every area of my life because of the price that has been paid for me at Calvary. I have no sickness or disease and my family and I walk in complete and perfect health continually. In Jesus' name! Amen !
If this has blessed you please share! someone may need to be released from their fears TODAY!
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Monday, January 20, 2014
Press ON!
Speak Life Challenge Day 15: Press On..
I'm pretty sure the enemy doesn't want me to continue to post these challenges! I seriously tried to post today about 3 times and different things kept happening. I even posted an entire blog and my computer crashed just before it published. That's a sign.. A sign to me that I MUST be doing the right thing. Seriously. Today has been crazy for me but I must press on. Sometimes I think, what's the point? Does it even matter? Are people getting it? Will it bring change?.. Then I hear that still small voice saying "Keep Going." When things get tough and get frustrating we have to KEEP GOING! No one said we would see results quickly. No one said it would be an easy process but that's where the good stuff lives. In the process. Jesus pressed on past his flesh and what He was feeling in the Garden and said "Not my will, but Thy will be done." That's how you press. When the enemy comes at you hard, you go harder!! Press ON! Speak LIFE today! This is for me too! He can hit me but he can't knock me down. You can Distract me, but you won't make me quit. I'm too focused on the other side of the promise! Today's challenge is rather simple. Look at yourself in the mirror, get whatever it is that you are believing God for on your mind, and say .. I WILL NOT GIVE UP! I WILL NOT QUIT! I WILL PRESS ON! I WILL SEE THE MANIFESTATION OF THE PROMISE! IN JESUS' NAME AMEN!Press on ON! If this blessed you, please like, share and comment! Until tomorrow! SPEAK LIFE!
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Less is More!
Speak Life Challenge Day 13: Less is More. She called me, said she wanted to talk because she had no where else to go. I listened and listened and then I started talking. Talking a lot, giving my opinion about what she should do and what I would do. Yep, I know it. Deep down inside I said way too much. I didn't discipline my words. I didn't think it through. I was emotional and really let my mouth just RUN! That's how it is sometimes with us. God places us around people to uplift them and comfort them but we simply TALK TOO MUCH! We've got to discipline our words so that they bring life! Doesn't matter if we think we know what's best. Doesn't matter if we have an answer. If it's not producing life... Well... We should probably keep quiet and pray. That goes so much further than emotional pot stirring. Don't let this be us! Talk Less and SPEAK LIFE more! Let's monitor this ole tongue and whip it into discipline. Let God get the glory out of the words we speak! A disciplined tongue doesn't give way to gossip or slander but is always sweet and striving to bless! I admit, that's a very talk order!! BUT possible. Today's challenge: be a better listener than talker. When it's time to speak, let those words bring life and nothing less! Discipline yourself , your tongue and your emotions so that no one suffers as a result. Less is really really more!
Will you strive to discipline your words? If this blessed you please share it, like, or comment..Someone may need it now! #shinebaby
Will you strive to discipline your words? If this blessed you please share it, like, or comment..Someone may need it now! #shinebaby
Friday, January 17, 2014
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Worth It!
Speak Life Challenge Day 11: Worth Fighting for: "Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me!"..Right? Wrong. As a child this was the biggest lie I ever told. Those names do hurt, have hurt, and if I'm honest at times still hurt! We can't control the words that someone speaks against us. When someone decides to say hurtful, mean and untrue things against us, what do we do? If you hear that you'll never make it all your life, chances are you will grow up believing that! What do you do? When you have low self-esteem because of words spoken over you? When you have fear the size of Texas in your life because of words someone has said over you? What do you do when you can't follow your dreams or your purpose because you've been hurt and rejected? When you can't seem to really get free and move forward in life because of what's been done to you in the past? FIGHT! FIGHT with the words of your mouth! No, I'm not saying talk a bunch of trash.. I'm saying use the Powerful Word of God to fight against anything or any words that have been spoken over your life. In order to do this you must get into the Word! You can't fight in a battle without any weapons. These weapon, your sword, is the word of God! Eph. 6:7 "Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God".. Don't let those words be a curse over you. You have the Power to SPEAK LIFE AND DESTROY THEM! I know I'm not alone. I know I'm not the only one who has to daily fight against the enemy that lies to me about who I am and what I can do. I know it's not just me and that's why I'm writing this! Today's Challenge: Pray, Speak and Declare over your life that every wrong word, every untrue word, every erroneous word, every foul word, every discouraging word that's ever been spoken over your life in NOW DESTROYED! In Jesus' Name. Speak Life and Destroy what the enemy wanted to use to destroy you! It's never too late to speak life.. You are worth fighting for! Until Tomorrow
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
The Power Of A Smile
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Smiling Faces Can Light Up an Entire World |
It's Really Not Just what you say: This morning I went for a walk with Honour-Smile around 7 am. It's the same walk I do when I take Lyric to her classes. On this walk, without fail, I meet a lady who is running through the path. We never speak, we just wave at each other. While I was pregnant she would run behind me for a little and then pass me, turn around and just wave. Well today, it was different. Honour was with me and she couldn't believe it was me! She's so used to seeing my huge belly that I bet it caught her by surprise. Then I noticed that she was so beautiful! She was Asian and didn't know how to speak English. So she just smiled! I'm talking and introducing her to my little princess but she couldn't reply.. She just smiled and laughed. She continued to give me all the gestures and body language that I needed to know that she was happy and excited to see the baby! That's how it should be with us.. It's really not just what we actually speak out of our mouths but what comes from our hearts that should speak for us! My Asian friend couldn't speak but I felt her heart through her smile, through her hug and through her laughter. We may not always know what words to say and its ok! Our gestures and demeanor can light up a room..and it can also make it dim. Today's challenge: Let your smile and demeanor SPEAK LIFE! Make someone else's day amazing with your loving, kind and gentle presence. Remember, It's not just what you say but... HOW YOU SAY IT! Even if you say nothing at all!
If you enjoyed this PLEASE SHARE! and invite others to like the blog! I love you guys! Until tomorrow's challenge...SPEAK LIFE!
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Speak Life Challenge Day 9: Heart Speak: What happens when you don't have the words to say? What happens when you're so broken and facing tough situations that your words get all mixed up? I feel some of you. I get the messages. I hear the pain.. This is where you forget about your human ability. This is when you let your heart speak. Sometimes laying before the Lord in silence or speaking in unknown tongues is the BEST way to speak life. Sometimes its our human nature to want to be perfect. Trying to find the perfect words to say.. Well, not today! Today's challenge: Get in a quiet place with God and lay it all before Him. He hears those silent prayers! I know first hand because He hears mine! Let your heart speak! If you enjoyed this PLEASE SHARE! and invite others to like the blog! I love you guys! Until tomorrow's challenge...SPEAK LIFE! #shinebaby
Monday, January 13, 2014
Are You A Dreamer or a Doer?
My father died last year and was SO picky and meticulous that he planned his own funeral! Start to finish! Yep, he picked out who would speak, who would sing, who would read scripture .. EVERYTHING down to who would carry him out! Talk about planning. Well, he chose Pastor Morgan to do the Eulogy and guess what? He made him preach what HE wanted him to preach. James 1:22" But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves" I used to be a dreamer. A really big dreamer! Then.. I realized that's all I was kinda doing.. Dreaming.. -I thank God that My dad's last words were so powerful.. and so timely! What am I actually DOING? or am I still DREAMING? Seriously.. I had to stop worrying about all the things I didn't have and JUST START DOING! Where will I record? Where will I mix? What song first? Which article first? Uuugh.. so many questions...But Today, I'm challenging you and myself to DO...I don't have it all figured out, but my faith doesn't ask me to have that. I must walk by faith and not by sight. So I have to get what's in my HEART into my HANDS! I have to DO something and watch it all come together. One thing I know for sure ... God really is in the details! Thanks Daddy! If you enjoyed this please share and invite others to the blog! #shinebaby #forward #getit
Be Specific!
Speak Life Challenge Day 8: Be specific! Yesterday was Lyric's B-day and she turned Super 6! If anyone knows me well, you know I had her day all lined up! I had this gigantic party planned and designed for her, complete with sugar and glitter! I leaned over to her and asked her was she excited about her birthday and she said "No!" you know I was "shocked" because I had my own plans for her. She said "I know exactly what I want and I know exactly what I want to do for my birthday, and it's not that mommy." Well excuuuuuse me! Yes, my baby wasn't a little baby anymore. She knew exactly what she wanted so I gave her an opportunity to tell me 6 things that she wanted for her 6th birthday. She wanted 1. A Super Sleepover with 6 friends 2. A pet monkey (What??) 3. To open her own store for kids! ( I think this is kinda cool and can't wait to get started on this) 4. Disney land! (of course) 5. To record her own music- (Yess!) 6. Join a basketball team (huh?). At first I laughed, and said.. "Ok baby." She said "Im serious mommy.. This is what I want. You have a whoooooole year to make it happen. Then I'll be seven!". That's when the light bulb went off! I have an entire year to make this happen (I don't know about a pet monkey tho!) and I can't miss because she told me exactly what she wanted! How many times do we ask God for something specific? Do we ask the Lord for what we really desire? Do we pray for others specifically? That's our right to do so! That's apart of us being effective in prayer! Being specific shows another level of faith and that we believe God will answer us! Today's challenge, Be specific in your words and prayers. Nothing is too big or small. Just be very clear on your desire from the Lord and believe that you will receive what you ask for!
If you believe this, Please share and invite others to like the blog! Shine ON! xoxoxo Melinda
If you believe this, Please share and invite others to like the blog! Shine ON! xoxoxo Melinda
Monday, January 6, 2014
Speak LIFE!

Finally!!! Out the house after 6 weeks and I'm Rollin! I'm nursing @honoursmile so I can't alter my diet through fasting BUT, I'm Excited about the #speaklife 21 day consecration! Over the next 21 days I'm challenging myself to speak life and not death no matter the situation! Gonna share what's in my heart and hope that YOU will join me! Words are powerful! Who's in??! #speaklife #powerofthetongue#21days #consecration
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