Speak Life Challenge Day 8: Be specific! Yesterday was Lyric's B-day and she turned Super 6! If anyone knows me well, you know I had her day all lined up! I had this gigantic party planned and designed for her, complete with sugar and glitter! I leaned over to her and asked her was she excited about her birthday and she said "No!" you know I was "shocked" because I had my own plans for her. She said "I know exactly what I want and I know exactly what I want to do for my birthday, and it's not that mommy." Well excuuuuuse me! Yes, my baby wasn't a little baby anymore. She knew exactly what she wanted so I gave her an opportunity to tell me 6 things that she wanted for her 6th birthday. She wanted 1. A Super Sleepover with 6 friends 2. A pet monkey (What??) 3. To open her own store for kids! ( I think this is kinda cool and can't wait to get started on this) 4. Disney land! (of course) 5. To record her own music- (Yess!) 6. Join a basketball team (huh?). At first I laughed, and said.. "Ok baby." She said "Im serious mommy.. This is what I want. You have a whoooooole year to make it happen. Then I'll be seven!". That's when the light bulb went off! I have an entire year to make this happen (I don't know about a pet monkey tho!) and I can't miss because she told me exactly what she wanted! How many times do we ask God for something specific? Do we ask the Lord for what we really desire? Do we pray for others specifically? That's our right to do so! That's apart of us being effective in prayer! Being specific shows another level of faith and that we believe God will answer us! Today's challenge, Be specific in your words and prayers. Nothing is too big or small. Just be very clear on your desire from the Lord and believe that you will receive what you ask for!
If you believe this, Please share and invite others to like the blog! Shine ON! xoxoxo Melinda
If you believe this, Please share and invite others to like the blog! Shine ON! xoxoxo Melinda