Speak Life Challenge Day 16: No Fear Confession
when i was younger my father would always tell me that the only way to conquer my fears was to name them and act against them. one of my first memory verses as a kid was 2 Timothy 1:7 "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." this was my motto and favorite scripture whenever i embarked on something new!
What are you afraid of? Who are you afraid of and their opinions? Whats keeping you from moving forward? What's stopping you from doing what God put in your heart? Is it fear of rejection? Fear of success?
I challenge you today to be honest with yourself and name your fear! then SPEAK LIFE against it!
Here's my SPEAK LIFE CONFESSION against fear. use it and see how bold you become.
Maybe not overnight but I promise there will be fruit!
The Lord has not given me a spirit of fear but of power, of love and of a sound mind. Therefore, I do not fear man or their opinions. I am completely divorced from the opinions of other people. Since I have what I ask in Jesus name I have asked and received no insecurities as it relates to my call, my assignment and the will of God for my life. I am never stressed out. I have joy and peace at all times. People recognize the peace of God on my life and I am able to live peaceably with all men. I experience a sweet sleep every night because God has promised His beloved sweet sleep. I am healthy and whole in every area of my life because of the price that has been paid for me at Calvary. I have no sickness or disease and my family and I walk in complete and perfect health continually. In Jesus' name! Amen !
If this has blessed you please share! someone may need to be released from their fears TODAY!