Speak Life Challenge Day 11: Worth Fighting for: "Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me!"..Right? Wrong. As a child this was the biggest lie I ever told. Those names do hurt, have hurt, and if I'm honest at times still hurt! We can't control the words that someone speaks against us. When someone decides to say hurtful, mean and untrue things against us, what do we do? If you hear that you'll never make it all your life, chances are you will grow up believing that! What do you do? When you have low self-esteem because of words spoken over you? When you have fear the size of Texas in your life because of words someone has said over you? What do you do when you can't follow your dreams or your purpose because you've been hurt and rejected? When you can't seem to really get free and move forward in life because of what's been done to you in the past? FIGHT! FIGHT with the words of your mouth! No, I'm not saying talk a bunch of trash.. I'm saying use the Powerful Word of God to fight against anything or any words that have been spoken over your life. In order to do this you must get into the Word! You can't fight in a battle without any weapons. These weapon, your sword, is the word of God! Eph. 6:7 "Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God".. Don't let those words be a curse over you. You have the Power to SPEAK LIFE AND DESTROY THEM! I know I'm not alone. I know I'm not the only one who has to daily fight against the enemy that lies to me about who I am and what I can do. I know it's not just me and that's why I'm writing this! Today's Challenge: Pray, Speak and Declare over your life that every wrong word, every untrue word, every erroneous word, every foul word, every discouraging word that's ever been spoken over your life in NOW DESTROYED! In Jesus' Name. Speak Life and Destroy what the enemy wanted to use to destroy you! It's never too late to speak life.. You are worth fighting for! Until Tomorrow