Monday, January 13, 2014
Are You A Dreamer or a Doer?
My father died last year and was SO picky and meticulous that he planned his own funeral! Start to finish! Yep, he picked out who would speak, who would sing, who would read scripture .. EVERYTHING down to who would carry him out! Talk about planning. Well, he chose Pastor Morgan to do the Eulogy and guess what? He made him preach what HE wanted him to preach. James 1:22" But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves" I used to be a dreamer. A really big dreamer! Then.. I realized that's all I was kinda doing.. Dreaming.. -I thank God that My dad's last words were so powerful.. and so timely! What am I actually DOING? or am I still DREAMING? Seriously.. I had to stop worrying about all the things I didn't have and JUST START DOING! Where will I record? Where will I mix? What song first? Which article first? Uuugh.. so many questions...But Today, I'm challenging you and myself to DO...I don't have it all figured out, but my faith doesn't ask me to have that. I must walk by faith and not by sight. So I have to get what's in my HEART into my HANDS! I have to DO something and watch it all come together. One thing I know for sure ... God really is in the details! Thanks Daddy! If you enjoyed this please share and invite others to the blog! #shinebaby #forward #getit