Speak Life Challenge Day 13: Less is More. She called me, said she wanted to talk because she had no where else to go. I listened and listened and then I started talking. Talking a lot, giving my opinion about what she should do and what I would do. Yep, I know it. Deep down inside I said way too much. I didn't discipline my words. I didn't think it through. I was emotional and really let my mouth just RUN! That's how it is sometimes with us. God places us around people to uplift them and comfort them but we simply TALK TOO MUCH! We've got to discipline our words so that they bring life! Doesn't matter if we think we know what's best. Doesn't matter if we have an answer. If it's not producing life... Well... We should probably keep quiet and pray. That goes so much further than emotional pot stirring. Don't let this be us! Talk Less and SPEAK LIFE more! Let's monitor this ole tongue and whip it into discipline. Let God get the glory out of the words we speak! A disciplined tongue doesn't give way to gossip or slander but is always sweet and striving to bless! I admit, that's a very talk order!! BUT possible. Today's challenge: be a better listener than talker. When it's time to speak, let those words bring life and nothing less! Discipline yourself , your tongue and your emotions so that no one suffers as a result. Less is really really more!
Will you strive to discipline your words? If this blessed you please share it, like, or comment..Someone may need it now! #shinebaby
Will you strive to discipline your words? If this blessed you please share it, like, or comment..Someone may need it now! #shinebaby