
Monday, February 3, 2014

Just what I needed!

Speak Life Challenge Day 21: The right ears for the right words. The Bible Says that Life and Death are in the Power of Tongue. This morning.. I found that to be very true.. Very True. I was having a conversation with someone about one of my dreams and aspirations. Now, If you know me personally, you know that I rarely mention my dreams because they are usually over the top and crazy! But I began to share one of my goals and she could hear the doubt and fear in my voice. She said "Wait a minute, come on girl.. God said do this.. God gave you this." I sat and listened.. and listened.. Still hiding the fears and being reluctant to voice them.. and she kept talking. and pushing.. and speaking life to me. By the time she started her next phrase, I ended the call so that I can jump on the blog and write! This challenge worked! It came to life before my very ears.. She was speaking life to me.. God used Her words to CRUSH my fears and brought me back to place of faith in what it was that God told me to do. This morning, She spoke Life and I'm aligned again with my goal and focus. Now, If that happened to me at such a critical moment of decision making.. What about you? I know there is someone that is waiting to hear from you! When the right words fall on the right ears LIFE COMES FORTH! Never take it for granted when you have the opportunity to speak life to someone who may be on the verge of giving up. You have to have the ears to hear them. You've gotta be sensitive enough to know what to say and what to not say. Trust me, someone's life could really depend on it! Whose ears are waiting for your words? If you pour out to others trust me those words will come back to bless you!! Today's Challenge: Ask God to lead you in the words you say to everyone you encounter today. Ask that your words bring life to everyone that you speak to and that they be blessed even by your presence. This is my goal today! I love you guys and thank you so much for taking this journey with me! One day left and I have to be honest, I feel like going for a few more days! If this has blessed you, please share, comment and like. Until tomorrow.. SPEAK LIFE!#shinebaby


Speak Life Challenge Day 20: Fold Em... When I was a little girl I used to walk around and imagine that I was a world traveler and that I needed a hundred bags in order to make my trip complete! It drove my mom crazy because I would take all her bags and luggage and fill them up!! As I got older, this imaginary trip that I took became real. I had baggage and more baggage that I was carrying around. It was very heavy because my bags were filled with people! People that didn't love me sincerely. People who didn't know me in a real way and people who didn't value the relationship with me. Yet I carried them around hoping they would change. Is this your story? I can almost bet that some of you are carrying around people that you need to let go of. Don't lie to yourself.. It's time to SPEAK LIFE by simply saying goodbye. Give yourself the gift of goodbye! Watch and be blessed! If this blesses you, please share!! And remember, SHINE BABY!

Do unto others

Speak Life Challenge Day 19: Give and it shall be given..Whatever you want spoken over you, speak over someone else! Today's challenge: whatever you want to hear, say it to someone else and watch it come back to you!! You will reap what you sow.. 


Speak Life Challenge Day 18: Drop the Charges..When I was younger I used to have it bad! I would keep a count of every single thing people did against me. I took it to heart.. I swore I would never forget and somehow I would get them back. But as I got older I realized something... I was the only one hurting! They had moved on and forgot about those silly things I was holding on to. How dare they move on? I wanted to stay in my rut a little longer! You see, forgiveness is more about you than it is them! Once you learn to forgive, it sets YOU FREE! Drop whatever it is you're holding against them and release the charges. They may never change and where does that leave you? In prison. Let them go and let whatever they did go so that you can be free! Tonight's challenge: be honest with yourself about who you haven't forgiven.. Make a choice to say out loud.." I forgive you. And I am free!! "This is how you SPEAK LIFE perpetually to yourself and others. Walk in forgiveness and you'll live in freedom. Simple right? Its not easy but It's true. No one can keep you in a jail if you always have the keys. Those keys are created with forgiveness. Let it go.. Yes, now...Tonight, and be free! Whew! I know I am! PS- if this blessed you please share, comment and like! Unitil tomorrow!... SPEAK LIFE! #shinebaby

Dont Judge

Speak Life Challenge Day 17: Don't judge the book by it's cover. Today has been a long day of traveling! Traveling East to see family and so that they can meet my new baby girl! On the flight there was a man who sat next to me. He said hello, but noticed I was nursing my daughter. He then got up and moved and said "Oh, you have a baby." Almost as if I had the plague or something. I could relate though. I've been mashed between two passengers and screaming babies myself and that experience can be horrible! BUT! He didn't know my Honour-Smile. He didn't know that she is so sweet and calm (as long as she's fed) and that she loves to smile and play! So, he moved his seat to a window seat ahead of me. And guess what? A lady walks in with a baby and sat right next to him! That baby screamed her head off almost the entire flight. What was my Honour doing? Cooing and sleeping. He judged us by his past experiences. He didn't give us a chance to brighten his day! Instead, he let what happened in his past influence how he treated his current situation. I'm sure he regretted that choice! He didn't seem happy getting off the flight!
Don't let that be us! Yes, things happen in our lives that sometimes crush us. Wound us. Shake us. Almost kill us. But we made it!! Do t forfeit what God is doing now because of the disappointment of our yesterdays. Tonight I challenge you to SPEAK LIFE over your NOW! Declare that it will be nothing like your yesterday! Nothing like your past! Declare it to be amazing and full of the grace of God. I challenge you to give your NOW a chance by looking straight on into what God has for you! Don't you dare judge your destiny by your past!! Until tomorrow.. Shine Baby!!
Ps- if this has blessed you, please share it! Someone may need it today:-)