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Speak Life Challenge Day 18: Drop the Charges..When I was younger I used to have it bad! I would keep a count of every single thing people did against me. I took it to heart.. I swore I would never forget and somehow I would get them back. But as I got older I realized something... I was the only one hurting! They had moved on and forgot about those silly things I was holding on to. How dare they move on? I wanted to stay in my rut a little longer! You see, forgiveness is more about you than it is them! Once you learn to forgive, it sets YOU FREE! Drop whatever it is you're holding against them and release the charges. They may never change and where does that leave you? In prison. Let them go and let whatever they did go so that you can be free! Tonight's challenge: be honest with yourself about who you haven't forgiven.. Make a choice to say out loud.." I forgive you. And I am free!! "This is how you SPEAK LIFE perpetually to yourself and others. Walk in forgiveness and you'll live in freedom. Simple right? Its not easy but It's true. No one can keep you in a jail if you always have the keys. Those keys are created with forgiveness. Let it go.. Yes, now...Tonight, and be free! Whew! I know I am! PS- if this blessed you please share, comment and like! Unitil tomorrow!... SPEAK LIFE! #shinebaby